Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I Hate Being Sick

So - I've been sick since Sat. Night. I hate being sick, so sick that when you stare at the screen you want to run screaming.
It's a sinus cold, keeping me and hubby up at night. Fun stuff all the way around.
Haven't played much - wished to play more. To the point that I'm dreaming that I'm playing - this is bad.

Example: I dreamed last night that I was playing and got a rare engineering item. Hubby emailed me that if I can't use that then to mail it to Tupercent as he can use it. I emailed back - that would mean actually playing. I dreamt all this!

Being sick means, you log onto your main and go - ech, I don't feel up to this and log into a minor toon. Played my Priest last night instead.

1 comment:

bronxbt said...

well, the whole dreaming thing is a little disturbing....

actually getting up, being physical and things of that nature as you WELL know are great ways to beat the bug.

maybe it's time to just accept that WoW has taken over your life. You could start skinning the local squirrel population, gathering the "wildthorn" weeds in the neighbors yard, and even mining in the 186 f**king cars our jerkwad neighbor has lovingly placed between his house and ours.. GOOD precious coppers and silver you could gain from chopping into those eyesores.

justa thought