Monday, February 13, 2006

Instances - good or bad

So played my Mage (now 56) this weekend. Sat. was fine, kind of boring. All I did was run around trying to figure out where to be until my level up to 56.

Sunday, I was able to go in with a goal in mind. Get to Winterspring, move forward on getting rid of some quests. I got pinged to go to an instance. Well, I was certainly willing to go since it was an instance with quests I had.
The Group was great, good healer, good tank gathering aggro (helped he was the lowest lvl). Everyone did a great job...even had good considerate rolls. Except......

Why is it when the Leader decides that he/she is done, they portal out, even if not everyone is done with the instance. Her pal must have agreed because the last dragon died (toughie) he (the healer) and I died, I went back, he didn't.

Wait - who decided we were done? It was one of those time where I felt that I joined this group for them (the two that left), not for the group.
Instances are a toughie. You get great loot (usually, I know I did), but the dynamics are tough. If they work, it's a great time. If they don't, then it sucks.

I know of someone who ran an instance and had to "pay" for the pleasure of the drops. Pay for drops? Wait, does that mean they paid to enter this instance when they were invited? What kind of logic is that?

This is why as I look for a new guild, I'm being very, very picky. I do not want to "pay" for my time in an instance. This is a game, and I want to have a good time. I don't mind dkp systems, I don't know quiet how they work, other than a point system. I mean, solid gold pay.

Who would be happy about that?

1 comment:

bronxbt said...

after reading your entry, i'm again assaulted with the white-knuckled reactions to most guildes when I hear about them...

Most have such idiotic rules and regulations it just makes the game "not fun."

THEN, you get into instances with folks you hope will be cool, repectfull, or at least not NINJA each other and voila!? you still get screwed.

again, my thoughts are to make out like Obiwan kenobi.. make it to lvl 60, (8 bars away!) then run off into the barrens, or perhaps the sand dunes on top of the ungoro crater area.. then huddle in a corner, rocking back and forth.. reciting incantations of when a warlock was jes'ta warlock...
