Thursday, February 09, 2006

Yet another....

Okay, so I played some last night with my lvl 55 (cheer) Mage. I'm wandering all over the place trying to complete some quests..attempting to make some room. It's amazing how much you can do at this lvl. After going through EPL (eastern plaguelands), Swamp of sorrows, and Buring Steppes (i think or was it blasted lands). I teleported back to Undercity. After mulling over for a bit, I realized that I'm too tired for this tonight and quit out. Two things:

One, the active members of my guild have recently decided to move on to another server, this one pvp. I am not interested in going with. So, we'll see how soon I move on myself.

Two, I really just wanted to have a brainless session. No, I didn't go to my NE hunter. I'm playing an Orc hunter with hubby at the moment. I stared at my screen, disinterested in playing yet another Horde toon that I have. So, I did it again. I created another mage named Nightchill. My idea was to try Ice as a talent.
I enjoy the sheer dps as a mage, and I can deal with the clothie (gonna die at any time) aspect.


bronxbt said...

gotta say, Nightchill is a totally awesome name for an Icey Mage.

I've played with a lvl 56 IM that was absolutely amazing. We were in the Chillwind Dale (mighta messed up that name) area and even tho all the baddies were Yetis and stuff, trudgin' thru snow to lay some whoop on us... He managed to absolutely devastate them with his attacks.

I'm really enjoying my time playing that Hunter with you. Just wish I'd care more about the game right now. Really don't.

Maybe a phase? I dunno.

Jen said...

I think you are just in a stage where you want to see something new. Maybe DDO will help.
I'm still out there wanting to do more with my characters.

Could be why I've been looking at EQ2.