Thursday, February 16, 2006

A New Graphic Feeling

So I got a sweet Valentine's Day/Early Birthday Gift. My honey got me a new box, yea! It's a lovely light laptop, Turion 64 2.0mhz, 2mg ram, 128mg ATI graphics Card - WOOT! It's light, lovely, and sweet.

So - I spend all day at work yesterday multitasking and installing everything. Shesh, I forgot how long it takes to load up WoW. Installing all the patches and then my UIs. I powered it up, disabled a few stupid things like land glow, and death effect. Those are just strange. BUT - now I can see far and see underwater cool! Too bad I was so damn tired last night that I only played WSG for an hour (good fight too) and logged out.

First issue: UIs, loading UIs are awesome, but loading all of them at once bad idea. Tonight I'll weed out some of the ones I want to get rid of - Cosmos loaded everything. Here's the UIs I have currently:
*Cosmos - very cool, BUT - there are a LOT of mini UIs - far far too many.
*Titan (just basic info thats cool to have out of the main screen and on bars), Titan rest (tells you which characters you play are fully rested) - did you know that you can get a maximum of 150% rested bonus and that's it?, Titan Stone (for the locks out there).
*Regent compare (for professions you have)..
*GEM - Guild event manager - this is a new one, pretty cool actually, sees the events immediately that your guild is planning so you can come along if you want. Mind boggling, huh?

Still to load? - CTraid, now that i'm a badass 56, I will be going on large raid instaces and CTraid is good for communciating to the healers your health and such, and Ventrilo. I have to try out my new headphones and mic first. I hope it fits well without hurting my ears.

So - here I am at work and....I wanna play. However, more than anything I wanna play my toon with my honey. Where's my honey?

1 comment:

bronxbt said...

awwwww. your honey is curled up in a fetal position sucking his thumb... given that this has been a tough week for his sorry ass.

But aside from that, the giggles and smile on yer face was enough to remind me of how much I needed to get you that laptop so you'd be able to see thru yer precious water, and 'see those mountains' in the distance on the game...

you did not, however, disclose to me the recent purchase of a MIC and headphones? or are these the components that were part of your new Laptop?

you may NOT be able to use your newfangled technology without an actual headset w/mic set up.

I'll come back to the game, you know that.

on the other online front, DDO -
(Dungeons & Dragons ONLINE) beta test has 6 days left. The "secret patch" that's supposed to give me some damned amulet of +1 armor never "arrived" on my character.. so that pisses me off.

Plus, the interface is very unweidly. Screens get in the way, I can't figure out how to turn the shit off, and some screens cover up others to the point where I can't perform my spells.. much less figure out how the F**k to "rest/sleep" since even a PALIDAN need to sleep occasionally.

stoopid game.