Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Hellfire Ramparts

HFR - 5 Man Dungeon Outland

Our group. 2 Warriors both Dps, Mage, Lock, Shaman

Short wing dungeon, but some interesting pulls. Watch the pats carefully as they will influence your pulls. After the 3rd pull, careful, the groups are in 5 or 6. Dogs are non-elite, but will gnaw on your healer.

Green drops were decent, nothing real exciting, nice to see a traveler's pack drop. :)

1st Boss. Be sure to clear all the groups first, watch for him and there's one guy that wanders. Clear everything first. Boss Fight. He charges clothies and punts them. I got hit for the first time with 1300, ouch. This mage only has 1700 health, we were really seeing the benefit of Stam gear. His side kicks, heal him. Take them down fast, while the tank controls the boss. Over all, not too bad. Fabulous blue drop though.

Work your way upstairs with some intersting pulls. Watch the spell casters, they fear, frequently. They are locks, without pets, they fear, rain of fire and shadowbolt you. The big guys with axes, cleave. Suggest taking them down first.

2 Boss. You need to have a decurser in your group, be it Mage or Druid. This guy hurts. He casts a curse that one hurts the target, curses him for an AOE curse to his buddies causing 400 damage a tick, and summoning an add. IF you can control his curses, this boss is doable. Shadow resistance...suggested.

Now, work your way back to the Dragon. Yes, an armored nether drake and rider. UBRS anyone? Actually, this fight reminds me a lot of Bat Boss in ZG. Tank goes in takes the rider, everyone spreads out, and casts, move, casts move...stay OUT of the fire! This boss hurts, and fire resist is high recommended.

I'm sure I'm missing stuff....but this was a first run..I'm anxious to see more!

Great stuff....and stayed up wayyyy too late. LOL


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to sink my teeth into some new instances, but I'm starting fresh on a new server with a BE Priest. Will definitely keep checking by here for your updates on the new instances though!

I'm also here to shamelessly plug our wow site, which we've done a first podcast for and we're after some feedback :D So, you can listen to us ramble on for a little while, whilst you play WoW! :)

Anonymous said...

you need to get off your duff and screen shot some pics of your characters.. send them to me, then i can show you how to post the pics, add a photo of your avatar as yer pic,.... etc.

also, you need to LIST some of yer growing friend's websites on your sidebar....

Anonymous said...

Good write out on the Hellfire, also saw your post on your first screenshots, well done on your Warcraft blog.

Anonymous said...

tibiaitem,tibia gold
the heart movement is inferior to move