Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Calling All Healers

When the last patch came through for Priests - you would think that there would be more of them now that they actually have a decent survival rate. Having played one until now lvl 33, I do agree that they level slower due to the sheer amount of mana drain of the spells. They do however, rock.

I ran an instance last night with Kiriel - Scholomance. I ran it with two close guild mates, and two new people. It was ---- interesting. We definately need more healers in our guild, we have a strong support class, a few mages, lots of shamans, and some warriors that can tank or dps. We have no Locks, no priests, and I think one druid for lvl 60. This can make runs - interesting. It was a good learning experience, but one I would prefer to do with a healer class if done again.

Which brings me to Duske, she's lvl 38 Druid. She's currently a feral spec, which mean I dish out damage and can tank gold elites...however, we are close to running two larger instances SM and Uld. These instances need a good healer class - which we don't have currently. I am considering respecing to Resto so that I can heal, but that would change my play style. Part of me wants to do it to see what would happen, the other part of me likes dishing out damage.

What to do?


bronxbt said...

easy answers:

#1 - you have a shitload of gold. jes DO IT, you big panzy

#2 - you have a shitload of gold.
jes DO IT, you big panzy... and if you don't like it... switch back.

#3 - convince your hubby to create a priest, YOU can take his level 1 butt thru advanced stuff and get his level up ASAP and I'll (ahem.., i mean HE) will learn to deal with sitting in the background throwing out bandaids to everyone.


Jen said...

I still can't see you throw heals at the party, but I do see you having fun with us in an instance. You will need to get on Vent at some point in our guild.

If we get our Cows up to a level where we are running hard instances 50+, then we will need all of us on Vent. It goes smoothier.

You don't have to have a microphone, but you can listen.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » » »