Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Voice Comes Through

Yesterday I had a first time experience. I logged on trying to achieve level 59 with Kiriel and found myself invited to a large 20 man raid on AQ, new instance.
Our guild and a few other mobbed together and proptly got wiped by two very large hard hitting bugs. LOL I died twice, little 'ol clothie me.
We decided that we are too new of a group so our raid leader suggested we head over to Zul Gurrub , a tropical instance. Meanwhile, I set up Ventrilo for the first time. I was hearing everyone talk. I learned very quickly to mute my mic to use a hot key whenever I want to speak.
We ran into ZG, and we worked together very efficently to destroy mobs and patrols. Our raid leader is experience and good at communciating. We were working our way to see the first big boss when blip......server down. AUGHHHHHH!!!!! You could hear the echos of "NOOOO!" because we were really doing well. I even got a peek at HAKKAR the final boss - wow, he's scary looking.
We were not able to log back on - disappointment around.
Now after that - I wanna play! I didn't get one bit of loot, but I had fun. Didn't level up, had fun anyway.


bronxbt said...

server crashes suck HUGE MONKEY BUTT.

but on the other side of things, that's really funny.

"oh hey, it's all working great now... " POINK!


Jen said...

Oh thanks - take delight in my misery~! LOL