Tuesday, March 14, 2006

How many Toons?

Kiriel has 1.5 bars until level 59! Woot! It's been a struggle because I just don't play enough at one time to justify instances. Those are typically about an average of 4 hours of play in one sitting. By the time I get home, get settled, would like to eat, I have about 3 if I want to actually sleep well. I'm now at the point, however, that I need to run instances - get experience running them and get the good stuff.

When I get to where I don't want to play hardcore with her. I have the following active toons.
Kael'thas, Moonshot lvl 24 NE Hunter - in a slow spot with her. Lyrah, level 9 undead warrior - I want to beat stuff up up close.
Vel(something something), Nightchill level 19 Human Mage ice spec - I have paused playing her because I might need to respec Kiriel to arcane/ice instead of arcane/fire. I hear the big instances so many bosses are immune to Fire - not good. Ayrie level 19 Human Priest - every so often I feel the need to be in demand.

Priests are the most asked for class, I thought it might be nice to have patience and level one up. The hard thing is that they don't really become powerful until late 20s or early 30s - until then they are weak! With the new patch, I will have the ability to rethink holy versus shadow. I like shadow, but shadow doesn't heal effectively.

1 comment:

bronxbt said...

ardlair - 'cuz I'm an idiot and don't know if you're serious or not, World of Warcraft, commonly referred to as WOW, is a 100% online game that's an massive virtual world where you can play with friends you make across the world, or just alone. You choose from characters such as warlocks, druids, priests, mages, warriors, hunters and more and choose from multiple races. (good or bad)

I'm sure that my wifee, Jen will provide you with links to view, sites to read up on, or at least gasp in awe at the extreme popularity of this game. The manufacturer - Blizzard - has been making very high quality games for over 10 years and is a leader in it's industry.

Plus, you'd be amazed at who plays... kids to adults to businessmen/woman to housewifes... it goes on and on.


Jen - love ya babe. Good to see you're posting again, and gratz on the lvl 59 action! I've got 2 bars left or so on my quest to get to 60! I jes hafta actually PLAY my character! argh!

~ B