Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Zangarmarsh and Epic Mount Time

When you are an alt-aholic like me, you tend not to deadicate enough time (pre-BC) to getting that gold for your epic mount.

When the goal became achievable, I spend some time with Kiriel farming, in addition saving up money. Last night, I finally got my epic mount! I rode around like a noob lvl 40 with her first mount in Org aimlessly.

I am also happy to have spent the little extra cash in getting this mount rather than the countless black war mounts that were achievable in PVP.

Last couple of days; I've been spending my time in Zangarmarsh. Great area for leatherworkers and herbalist, not so great an area for Tailors. This area is absolutely environmentaly stunning. Take a look. Quite surreal.

Monday, January 22, 2007

New Race Impressions

As an Alt-aholic, of course I have created a toon on each of the new races!

I have at this posting Blood Elf (BE or Belf) Palladin (lvl 11), one of very many, and a Draeni Warrior (lvl 10).

Blizzard pulled out all the stops on the Belfs. Very different, thin, almost fantasicly evil looking/acting. Their cities are lovely, I love the beginning areas. The autumn colors, beasts, with a touch of the Scourge. The Belf pallys are supposed to get the Black Chargers. Ohhhhhh, sweet. That's, of course, the whole reason I made one.

I current have retired a lvl 46 human paladin. I am now in a quandry, because I don't think I'm having as much fun as I should be with my Belf pally. I've forgotten how, slow they kill. Look at the toons I actively play, Mage, Warlock & Shadow Priest. All Dps classes, now with a pally, I'm really having issues. I'm committed to trying for a little while longer though before I make the choice on what to do.

The Draeni have landed in an area that reminds me of a cross between the Undead and Night Elf area. Very flowery, muted greens & purples with hints of corruption. An honorable race that reminds me a lot of the Tauren. I will say that this place isn't as visually poping eye candy as the Belf area...but then again, look at what the races represent. Belfs are all about the outside representation. LOL

I am playing my warrior with my hubby who's a paladin. He loves his Paladin, he's had one before. I'm really enjoying playing my warrior, I do love the idea of charging in there, pulling the monster off my fellow and taking the damage. It's different for me, but in a fun way. I do see why it's so very gear dependant.

What do you think? Keep trying on the pally or can it?

Saturday, January 20, 2007

HFC - Blood Furnace

Instance - 5 Man
Recommended Lvl? 62 - 63
Who went in? 60- 62
Crew: Warrior, Shaman, Rogue, 2 Mages

This instance is "easier" to pull then HFR, providing eveyone understands the pulls. Having two sheepers in this instance was very nice. Things to watch for, spell casters with major shadowbolt damange, Rogues that can one shot your clothies, and engineers that set bombs and throw grenades. The bombs silence and well, caused me 1300 damage..ouch.

1st Boss - Robotic mind controler. This the Baroness UDstrat's twin brother. In this run, we had a mind control several times, and this appears to cause our other mage's damage to increase significantly. His blizzard took me out in no time. Standard bliz, about 200 a tick, he said it was doing 500 a tick.

2nd Boss - This one is tricky. You kills the mobs in the room, then open the "prison door"..(s). This opens the side prisons letting out mobs that increase in difficulty and number. Two sheepers help control the elites. Conserve your mana, cause when last one is down the other room opens. There are four rooms, last guy down..opens bubble headed bosses room. At this point, we were too close to him and he came for us. I was out of mana, quick mana ruby and pot and away we go. He's sqooshy, but serious nature damage and spell damage. Take him out and move on.

Move your way through the casters and felguard elites down down to the last boss.

3rd Boss - Fun encounter. There are 5 or 6 casters around this boss. They contain the raid boss down below. Look down, that's a big fella you'll see later in the game. Keep the last mob sheeped. They cast a magic buff that causes an extra 1100 shadow damage...ouch. Take these guys down, and the last boss awakes. He causes some pretty damage, but keep your tank healed and watch for his "come closer" emote....this is a hint...get away! He also casts the magic buff, but since there is only one, it's not on the entire group - whew!

Run time: 2.5 hours No Wipes.

Thanks guys for the run!

Friday, January 19, 2007

My First Screenshot!

Hubby may have an on and off relationship with WoW (he's a bitter one) but he's taught me how to upload screenshots!

Here's a shot of my lvl 61 character, Kiriel, shown here in Hellfire Peninsula. The new land in the expansion pack is amazing! I hope to do more screenshots and update more as I play, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Hellfire Ramparts

HFR - 5 Man Dungeon Outland

Our group. 2 Warriors both Dps, Mage, Lock, Shaman

Short wing dungeon, but some interesting pulls. Watch the pats carefully as they will influence your pulls. After the 3rd pull, careful, the groups are in 5 or 6. Dogs are non-elite, but will gnaw on your healer.

Green drops were decent, nothing real exciting, nice to see a traveler's pack drop. :)

1st Boss. Be sure to clear all the groups first, watch for him and there's one guy that wanders. Clear everything first. Boss Fight. He charges clothies and punts them. I got hit for the first time with 1300, ouch. This mage only has 1700 health, we were really seeing the benefit of Stam gear. His side kicks, heal him. Take them down fast, while the tank controls the boss. Over all, not too bad. Fabulous blue drop though.

Work your way upstairs with some intersting pulls. Watch the spell casters, they fear, frequently. They are locks, without pets, they fear, rain of fire and shadowbolt you. The big guys with axes, cleave. Suggest taking them down first.

2 Boss. You need to have a decurser in your group, be it Mage or Druid. This guy hurts. He casts a curse that one hurts the target, curses him for an AOE curse to his buddies causing 400 damage a tick, and summoning an add. IF you can control his curses, this boss is doable. Shadow resistance...suggested.

Now, work your way back to the Dragon. Yes, an armored nether drake and rider. UBRS anyone? Actually, this fight reminds me a lot of Bat Boss in ZG. Tank goes in takes the rider, everyone spreads out, and casts, move, casts move...stay OUT of the fire! This boss hurts, and fire resist is high recommended.

I'm sure I'm missing stuff....but this was a first run..I'm anxious to see more!

Great stuff....and stayed up wayyyy too late. LOL

Burning Crusade Released!

I got back from my business trip late yesterday and my copy of the collector's edition hadn't arrived yet. :(

Until an hour later.......

Woot for a DVD copy instead of CDs! Fast install, and away I went.

Created both my Draeni and Blood Elf toons, but never logged them in. Instead I logged on with Kiriel, my main. Outland here I come! I entered the portal, and was struck by the lovely graphics of the sky. There were 20 of us standing on the other side, and then this wave of bad guys came at us...all with skulls! What a new concept again, you were once a "high" level, now low again. We parted like the red sea to let them way was I casting a single shot.

Grabbed the quests, FP and away I went to Thrallmar, "For the Horde!". First quest, I could see already I was going to replace my blue wand that I worked hard for. wow, in shock I stood there and pondered. Grabbed new training for tailoring and skinning, ouch!

It's laggy, but fabulous! All I can say is...NEW CONTENT! Then some fellow guildies and I decided that we just had to do a "run". LOL WILD...see above post.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Mods I Use for 2.0

It's funny, people are saying that 2.0 busted so many mods for warcraft. What it did for me was discover what "new" mods were out there compatiable for 2.0.

I currently use:

Titan Bar - Titan XP - Recommend Zone
Titan is a nice quick glance, at how much gold I have, what coordinates I'm at, how much time I have until I level based on current XP intake, my DPS meter is clickable on the bar, and I keep this bar fairly simple. Just the info I need. The Recommend Zone is one of my favorites during leveling. There are just some times you run out of things to do in a zone, and don't know where else to go. I look at that and see what instances I can run, what zones I can go to. It's really nice.

Yup, I'm a cosmos user. I use Arcane bar, I disable the main casting bar at the bottom of the screen. I use bag space, to let me know how many slots I have left...very nice simple mod. Party quests, quest level, equip compare, and other small mods that I always forget but miss when we have a major patch. /sigh

I'm currently using the Alpha version of this mod. I don't recommend it for those are not mod savvy. However, the newest version does seem fairly stable. Nice for knowing how to sell on the AH, and what not to buy. It also comes with Enchantrix...very nice for an enchanter, Kir's one. However, I picked up a nice enchanter mod that minimizes my need for this one.

Wow, this is a big one. I've always used CTRaid up until recently, now I'm using the big guy. Don't really care for the bar part. I've been playing for 2 years using the current bars, that messing with them isn't really my need. I'm happy with them, so why miss em more whenever we go through a major patch. I DO love CTbuff mod. This is a new way of looking at your buff, curses, diseases, etc...timer. It lists them down in decending order. It's actually rather nice once you get used to it. I've customized it's looks a little, and shrunk it down some...dont' need it to take over my entire screen. CTCore currently doesn't seem to like Arcane bars, but only errors on the first use.

New mod for me now that I'm actively playing my priest. It's really nice. It doesn't autotarget, however it allows you to customize difference functions i.e. decursing, disease removal, different types of healing spells to your mouse buttons. In addition, it utilizes cntl & alt buttons. It's fairly customizable, including the bar colors, and types of notifications i.e. raid, party, self...etc.

Other Small Mods I Use
Fishing Buddy - Fishing is a pain at first, but this mod keeps track of everything you've fished on all your toons. That way if you are looking for something specific, i.e. stonescale eels.
Fizzwidget Disenchant Predictor - the reason why I lke this mod is, pretty simple, if I'm looking for a particular essence, it tells me the level range of the item I need to go find. It also tells me that it's likely, unlikely, and rare to disenchant into....
GEM - Guild Event Manager. BTDOTM uses this to schedule event. Good for those that get it, bad for those that can't. It works pretty well over all though. It really helps a raid leader in inviting and seeing if the raid is full, and with what classes.

I'm sure I forgot some items. Oh, and for all these mods, I've increased my memory to about 75 from 48. I don't have any problems running these, but I do have 2 g of Ram. /yummy

Horde Betrayed Quest Line

I've done this quest line three times now. On all three of my high(er) level toons. Those blood elf redeimers hurt.

They cast fireball and's so wrong!

On Kir last night, I started with the Sauccy. I am not a "blueberry" player, it's very rare for me to have the voidwalker out. It's a tank, not a damage dealer, I say, kill 'em quickly and use less mana. So the Succubus it is. However, after a few of those fireballs, I put her out and brought out the felhound. Perfect. The felhound at lvl 52 has 105 resistances to all schools of magic, and can spelllock a caster. This quest turned easy.

Kill all the mobs required. go to the gazebo and "discover" the camp. Don't turn away, you aren't done. Read the book at the gazebo. You are ready for the next stage...if you know your toon. You have to destroy the crystals, to summon the "boss". Hint: it's the one across from the book. Kill one BE, who calls for the lady mage. She's lvl 55, and packs a punch. Gotta admit, love seeing my felhunter spelllock her fireball. :)

If you are a lock, stick around. You should go north to the satyr camp there, and gather your first fel essence for the infernal quest line. Easy drop.

Now, after your Lady Mage kill, go to Org for an easy 7200 xp reward. Sweet! /dance

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

When a Priest Dps > a Lock Dps?

It's highly possible that my damage meter isn't working right, but this weekend I was playing both Kir and Ayrie a lot. They are both the same level (51) so doing the same quests....snore.
I've monitored Kir's dps and she's doing about 185 dps (damage per second) at level 51 with about 22 dps crit. Ayrie on the otherhand is a shadow priest, and is doing about 202 dps. Wait, she's a priest. LOL

I think about the low 40s I noticed that my shadow priest started getting easier to play. It's hard about the mid-30s until shadowform. Now she pretty much can take on things 3 - 4 levels above her....Oh, and can shadowpriests heal? I seem to have no issues. Ran ZF (Zul Furrak) this weekend, and it was a breeze. I DO admit that what made it easy was Healbot. It's a great new mod that I've found that is helping me monitor what spells I use healing.

Don't think I'll pvp with her though. With Kir, I tended to go after the priests first, lol.